Dynaflow is committed to providing a high level of service and to conducting its activities ethically and with integrity.
We welcome feedback on our performance, including complaints. Complaints can assist Dynaflow to evaluate and improve its services. They can be in relation to any number of matters and may include the actions and conduct of staff.
In making a complaint it will help if you could explain:
what action or decision is the cause of your complaint
what specifically is your complaint
what are the implications of that decision or action on you
what is the preferred outcome or result you are seeking.
Dynaflow will acknowledge your complaint and seek to resolve the matter in a timely manner
Your complaint and your personal information will be kept confidential and will only be disclosed to staff within Dynaflow who have a need to know about the complaint for the purposes of responding to you or taking appropriate action.
If you make an anonymous complaint we may not be able to conduct a full investigation of your complaint or be able to refer the matter to the appropriate area.
Reports or allegations of misconduct by Dynaflow or a staff member, including fraudulent activity must be in writing.
Please mark all correspondence ‘Confidential’.
Reports or allegations of possible misconduct will be investigated internally, or referred to an external body such as the Police, where necessary.
All complaints involving the conduct or reputation of a staff member will be handled confidentially and in a manner that provides procedural fairness to all involved.
If you have been dealing with Dynaflow about a matter and there is a minor problem we suggest you contact the staff member or manager involved to see if it may be resolved informally.
If this is not possible for any reason please consider one of the following options.
Through Dynaflow “Contact Us” Website
Please complete the require fields and select “Complaint” from the nature of enquiry drop down menu box.
Escalating to Branch Manager of the relevant Dynaflow Branches
Relevant contact details can be found on the “Contact Us” page.
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