Modern Slavery Policy

Dynaflow Ptd Ltd is not a Reporting Entity for the purposes of the Modern Slavery Act. Nevertheless we are determined to minimise the risk of modern slavery in our operations and supply chain.

From the perspective of operations, all Dynaflow employees are employed in Australia under Australian conditions, with no associated risk of modern slavery.

Dynaflow’s supply chain can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Australian based consulting and professional services — low risk
  2. Australian real estate and services — low risk
  3. Australian based bespoke manufacturing – low risk
  4. Australian manufactured standard products — low risk
  5. Imported bespoke manufacturing — possible risk
  6. Imported standard products through high reputation suppliers — low risk

Dynaflow commits to the following actions in relation to suppliers in all but the low risk categories:

  1. Identifying all such suppliers in excess of 5% of Dynaflow revenue,
  2. Developing an understanding of the labour regulatory and enforcement environment in the supplier’s jurisdiction,
  3. Contractual requirements that the supplier will comply with local labour laws and regulations,
  4. Obtaining information from the supplier on labour conditions,
  5. Visiting supplier operations facilities first hand,
  6. Taking into account all information known about the supplier,
  7. Assessing whether modern slavery is likely to be happening for the supplier,
  8. Alerting authorities and changing suppliers where modern slavery is assessed as likely to be happening, and assessing the new supplier as above.

Note that Dynaflow does not own or control any other entities.